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NEWS & EVENTSbailey Metal Processing Limited.

  • UPDATE: Our Partnership with Saint-Gobain

    by Shelly Breen | Jun 03, 2024



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    Today, we at The Bailey Group of Companies (Bailey Metal Products, Bailey Metal Processing, and Agway Metals) begin the next chapter in our story, as we close our acquisition with Saint-Gobain North America. As leaders in light and sustainable construction, with a Purpose of Making the World a Better Home, we can think of no better partner to continue our work to provide Canadian-made metal framing and building solutions to our customers.

    By partnering with Saint-Gobain North America, Bailey will continue to play a leading role in the Canadian construction industry. Alongside other Saint-Gobain Canada businesses CertainTeed Canada, Kaycan, and Building Products of Canada, we will bring a full portfolio of building solutions, both interior and exterior to our customers from the Maritimes to British Columbia.

    From its founding by Sam Bailey in 1950 to today, Bailey has been dedicated to quality service, exceeding customer expectations and operating with integrity. That will continue over the coming days, weeks and years. Even with the acquisition complete, the day-to-day experience won’t change for our employees or customers, and we will still operate in the market as Bailey. We can assure you that our drive to provide quality, sustainable products and excellent customer service will continue. We look forward contributing and being a part of the Saint-Gobain team and working together to create the future of the building materials industry in Canada.


    Angelo Sarracini                                                         Stuart Hunt
    President & CEO                                                       Executive Vice President
    The Bailey Group of Companies                      The Bailey Group of Companies

    Read the Press Release:

  • Mise à jour : notre partenariat avec Saint-Gobain

    by Shelly Breen | Jun 03, 2024



    Download Press Release (PDF)

    Aujourd’hui, le groupe de sociétés Bailey (Produits Métalliques Bailey, Bailey Metal Processing et Métaux Agway) commence le prochain chapitre de notre histoire, alors que nous concluons notre acquisition avec Saint-Gobain Amérique du Nord. En tant que leader de la construction légère et durable, avec pour raison d’être de Faire du monde une maison plus belle et plus durable, nous ne pouvons penser à un meilleur partenaire pour poursuivre notre travail visant à fournir à nos clients des solutions de charpentes métalliques et de construction fabriquées au Canada.

    En nous associant à Saint-Gobain Amérique du Nord, Bailey continuera de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans l'industrie canadienne de la construction. Aux côtés d'autres entreprises de Saint-Gobain Canada, CertainTeed Canada, Kaycan et La Compagnie Matériaux de construction BP Canada, nous proposerons une gamme complète de solutions de construction, tant intérieures qu'extérieures, à nos clients des Maritimes jusqu'en Colombie-Britannique.

    Depuis sa création par Sam Bailey en 1950 jusqu'à aujourd'hui, Bailey se consacre à un service de qualité, en dépassant les attentes des clients et en faisant des affaires avec intégrité. Cela se poursuivra dans les jours, semaines et années à venir. Même une fois l’acquisition finalisée, l’expérience quotidienne ne changera pas pour nos employés ou nos clients, et nous continuerons d’opérer sur le marché sous le nom de Bailey. Nous vous assurons que nous poursuivrons nos efforts pour fournir des produits durables et de qualité ainsi qu’un excellent service à la clientèle. Nous nous réjouissons à la perspective de contribuer et de faire partie de l'équipe Saint-Gobain et de travailler ensemble pour créer l’avenir de l’industrie des matériaux de construction au Canada.


    Angelo Sarracini                                                        Stuart Hunt
    Président et chef de la direction                     Vice-président directeur
    The Bailey Group of Companies                     The Bailey Group of Companies 

    Read the Press Release:

  • Renforcer notre partenariat avec Saint-Gobain

    by Shelly Breen | Jun 03, 2024



    Download Press Release (PDF)


    Depuis près de 75 ans, le groupe de sociétés Bailey est une entreprise familiale reconnue en tant que chef de
    file du secteur qui offre des solutions de construction et des services dans le domaine des produits
    métalliques de qualité conçus au Canada. Nous sommes des partenaires fiables de longue date pour nos

    clients fidèles.

    C’est avec ce riche héritage en tête que nous sommes ravis d’annoncer le prochain chapitre et notre
    intention de nous joindre à Saint-Gobain Amérique du Nord.
    En nous joignant à l’entreprise de Saint-Gobain, dont la présence au Canada connaît un essor, nous
    continuerons à nous assurer de jouer un rôle de premier plan sur le marché. Le groupe de sociétés Bailey
    (Produits Métalliques Bailey, Bailey Metal Processing et Métaux Agway) viendra s’ajouter aux autres marques
    de matériaux de construction canadiennes réputées offertes par Saint-Gobain au Canada, dont le portefeuille
    de solutions de construction de CertainTeed Canada, Kaycan et La cie Matériaux de construction BP Canada.
    Ensemble, nous offrirons au marché canadien l’éventail inégalé le plus complet de systèmes et de solutions

    de matériaux de construction, au bénéfice de tous nos clients.

    Depuis sa fondation par Sam Bailey en 1950 jusqu’à nos jours, Bailey s’est engagée à offrir un service de
    qualité, à surpasser les attentes des clients et à exercer ses activités avec intégrité. De plus, nous avons
    œuvré à la promotion des charpentes en acier formé à froid dont l’utilisation dans la construction légère
    permet de réduire la consommation d’énergie et le gaspillage. En tant que partenaire de Saint-Gobain depuis
    une dizaine d’années dans notre coentreprise de fabrication d’ossatures de plafond The Grid Company, nous
    avons pu observer de près la culture dynamique et les solides valeurs de Saint-Gobain, outre la poursuite de
    son objectif – Mieux habiter le monde. Sa stratégie « Grow & Impact », son dévouement à l’innovation, son
    engagement en faveur d’une fabrication carboneutre d’ici 2050 et sa détermination à constituer les équipes
    les plus talentueuses dans un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif sont en parfaite adéquation avec notre

    entreprise et notre vision de l’avenir.

    Tout au long du processus d’acquisition et même ensuite, l’expérience pour nos associés ou nos clients
    demeurera la même au jour le jour, et nous continuerons d’exercer nos activités sur le marché sous le nom
    de Bailey. Nous vous assurons que nous poursuivrons nos efforts pour fournir des produits durables et de
    qualité ainsi qu’un excellent service à la clientèle. Nous aspirons à renforcer notre partenariat avec Saint-
    Gobain et à façonner l’avenir de l’industrie des matériaux de construction au Canada.



    Angelo Sarracini                                                   Stuart Hunt
    Chef de la direction                                            Vice-président directeur
    The Bailey Group of Companies                 The Bailey Group of Companies

  • Strengthening our Partnership with Saint-Gobain

    by Shelly Breen | Jun 03, 2024



    Download Press Release (PDF)


    For nearly 75 years, The Bailey Group of Companies have been a family-owned and operated business
    and a recognized industry leader, offering quality, Canadian-made building solutions and metal services.
    We have been dependable and long-standing partners to our loyal customers.
    It is with this strong legacy in mind that we are excited to announce our next chapter and our intention

    to join Saint-Gobain North America.

    By joining Saint-Gobain, a company with a growing presence in Canada, we will continue to ensure we
    play a leading role in the market. The Bailey Group of Companies (Bailey Metal Products, Bailey Metal
    Processing and Agway Metals) will join Saint-Gobain in Canada alongside other respected Canadian
    building material brands including CertainTeed Canada’s portfolio of building solutions, Kaycan and
    Building Products of Canada. Together, we will offer the Canadian market the most comprehensive and
    unparalleled portfolio of building materials systems and solutions, for the benefit of all our customers.
    From its founding by Sam Bailey in 1950 to today, Bailey has been dedicated to quality service,
    exceeding customer expectations and operating with integrity. In addition, we have been committed to
    advancing cold-form steel framing as a form of light construction which reduces energy consumption
    and waste. As a decade-long partner of Saint-Gobain in our ceiling grid joint venture, The Grid
    Company, we have seen up close Saint-Gobain’s strong culture, values and purpose --- Making the
    World a Better Home. Their Grow & Impact strategy, dedication to innovation, commitment to net-zero
    carbon manufacturing by 2050, and to building the best teams in a diverse and inclusive workplace is a

    perfect match for our company and future.

    Throughout the acquisition process and beyond, the day-to-day experience won’t change for our
    associates or customers, and we will still operate in the market as Bailey. We can assure you that our
    drive to provide quality, sustainable products and excellent customer service will continue. We look
    forward to strengthening our partnership with Saint-Gobain, and to creating the future of the building
    materials industry in Canada.



    Angelo Sarracini                                                   Stuart Hunt
    President & CEO                                                  Executive Vice President
    The Bailey Group of Companies                 The Bailey Group of Companies

  • Congratulations to Bailey Motorsports in 2020

    by Lucy Nguyen | Feb 01, 2021

    Congratulations to Bailey Motorsports on a successful 2020 season! A special shout out goes out to all the riders who persevered in a very challenging season! Ryan Hunt #729 won the Snowbike Championship. Yanick Boucher #53 earned a silver medal at the Winter X Games. #574 Hailey Belanger won the Transition Girls class last year. #501 is Dakota Karkoulas, she won the Junior Girls class, and #500  Brooklyn Karkoulas, who won the Pro Women class last season.Despite the pandemic, Bailey Motosports still showed their passion and skill, you can read about the season in more detail at  

    The sports industry overall has been impacted heavily. Although, we are unable to cheer own our team in person right now, think about supporting your local winter sports team this year! You can donate to charities that support Winter sports, give message of encouragement to your favorite team, and share the love!

    We look forward to a brighter 2021 for Bailey Motorsports.

    Bailey motorsports 2020 Congratulations!

  • 2020 in Review

    by Lucy Nguyen | Jan 15, 2021

    Looking back at 2020, it was an unusual year for us and many others. Despite all the restrictions and safety precautions, we were still able to make 2020 memorable.

    Every summer we celebrate Bailey's anniversary where we would mingle, share food, and have fun. In 2020, the celebration was vastly different. With physical distancing and COVID-19 measures in place, there was a stark contrast for the 70th anniversary. We were apart, but together. It was a poignant memory and a reminder of the beauty of human connection.

    Processing Blog Comparsion

    During the winter months, the holiday season reminded us there are ways we can still help. Even though we couldn't be together we still managed to spread holiday cheer and love to those less fortunate. Bailey Metal Processing is proud to donate and support the Burlington Food Bank. Since 1991 they have served the Burlington community by serving nutritious meals in a dignified and timely manner. Caring for our community is part of Bailey's tradition.  Learn how you can help at

    Burlington Food Bank

    This past year, we were faced with many challenges and obstacles. We came together as one unit and reached and exceeded some of our goals. We could not have done it without the dedication and loyalty of our associates, partners, and customers.

    Remember to stay safe, wear your mask, and get tested if required. We look forward to positive changes for 2021 and a return to a new normal.

    Covid 2020 at Burlington


    by Lucy Nguyen | Nov 15, 2018
    We had a fantastic "Take your kids to work day" here at Bailey Metal Processing. We are excited to participate and share our experiences with our children. We had a productive day with discussions, dialogue about potential careers, understanding the importance of obtaining skills and staying in school.

    We look forward to more "Take your kids to work day" here at Burlington.

    tyktw for blog

    by Lucy Nguyen | Nov 15, 2018

    On April 12th, 2018, in honour and remembrance of the victims of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, we don our sports jerseys and the colours of the Humboldt Broncos to show our support here at Bailey Metal Processing.


    As a tribute to the families of the bus crash victims, we've also collected donations. We send our deepest thoughts and condolences. We stand with Humboldt Broncos as one team.

    Jersesy Day (4)

    Jersesy Day (5)


    by Lucy Nguyen | Nov 15, 2018

    Bailey Metal Processing attended the Strike Out Cancer Baseball Tournament this past weekend in support of Juravinski Hospital. Bailey Metal Processing is proud to be an “All Star Sponsor” in supporting innovation in patient care, hospitals, and the health care system.



    by Kimberley Beggs | Jan 10, 2017
    Angel Hair for Kids
    Caitlin: Sam Bailey's great-granddaughter 

    Bailey Metal Processing Limited is a proud supporter of Angel Hair For Kids™; a program that provides wigs and hair loss solutions to financially disadvantaged children in Canada who have lost their hair due to a medical condition or treatment. 


Follow the Bailey Motorsports snowcross team as they race through the highs and lows of the 2019 season towards the Canadian National Championships. 

To Learn more visit